Cataract Removal

There is a clear natural lens inside of your eyes. This lens refracts or bends the light that enters your eyes to help you see. This lens should remain clear to ensure that you can see. However, if the lens starts to develop a cloudy film, it makes everything look blurry and hazy. This film can get worse, and you can eventually lose your vision due to cataracts. Cataract removal surgery is a treatment option that can help restore your vision.

Cataract Removal Surgery

If you develop cataracts, surgery to remove this is usually the easiest and quickest treatment option. Cataract removal surgery is relatively pain-free, and you can get back to your life with minimal interruption. Almost everyone who undergoes cataract surgery will receive an artificial lens called an intraocular lens or IOL. It replaces the cataract filmed lens, and it helps your eye focus at the end of the surgery.

Before the cataract removal surgery, your ophthalmologist will discuss which IOL is best for your situation, so you know what one you’re getting. After this consultation, you’ll set a date for your outpatient surgical procedure.

When you arrive at the centre, your eye doctor will most likely give you a mild sedative to keep you calm during surgery because you stay awake. They’ll also add eye drops to dilate your eyes, and another round of eye drops to numb your eye.

They’ll make a small incision on the front of your eye to remove the clouded lens. At this point, your ophthalmologist will insert the clear intraocular lens if you decide to have one. Not all cataract surgeries will have the lens replaced, but you’ll decide this beforehand.

There should be no pain with this surgery, and it will typically look blurry for a few days after surgery until your eye heals. You may also notice that colours seem brighter, and you have a sharper focus.

Your doctor may ask you to wear a patch for a few days after surgery, and they may have you put medicated eye drops in for a few days after surgery to lubricate your eye and prevent infections. You’ll usually see your eye doctor a few days after surgery, a week later, and then a month later to monitor your eye’s healing progress.

Total healing time usually takes around eight weeks from start to finish. You can have your other cataract removed a few weeks after the first procedure.

For questions or concerns about cataract surgery, or if you’d like to set up a consultation, contact us. We’re ready and willing to help you any way we can.

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