Common Types of Eye Diseases Explained

As you age, the probability of developing an eye disease rises. These diseases come in different severity levels, and some people experience a more rapid development than other people. We’ll go over the common types of eye diseases that affect dozens of Australians.

Six Common Types of Eye Diseases

Eye diseases can affect young people as well as older people, and the severity levels can differ from person to person. Here is a list of the common types of eye diseases:

  1. Cataracts—When you develop cataracts, the lens in your eye develops a cloudy film. This can make your vision look blurry or cloudy like you’re looking through a frosted window. They generally occur in people over 40, and they worsen as cataracts develop. Surgery is a common fix.
  2. Conjunctivitis— Also known as pink eye, conjunctivitis is a common eye disease with people of all ages. This disease occurs when the thin, transparent layer of tissue in your eyelid that covers the white area of your eye gets inflamed. A bacterial infection or viral infection can cause this disease, and antibiotics are the preferred treatment.
  3. Dry Eye— Chronic dry eye is a disease where your eye doesn’t produce enough tears, or the tears that it does produce aren’t high quality enough to lubricate your eye. This results in irritated and itchy eyes that get worse when you rub them. Eye drops or medicated eye drops can help manage this condition.
  4. Farsightedness— Roughly 2% to 5% of Australians have a refractive error like farsightedness. If you have this condition, things at a distance will look clear while things up close will look blurry or out of focus. Eyeglasses or contact lenses are one way to treat it, and corrective surgery is another.
  5. Glaucoma—Glaucoma causes a gradual loss of sight. The fluid level in your eye rises, and this puts pressure on your optic nerve. This pressure causes you to gradually lose your vision, and it progresses at different rates. Common treatment options include surgery, eye drops, and medications, but there isn’t a cure.
  6. Nearsightedness—People who are nearsighted see things up close very clear. However, when they focus on things in the distance, it looks blurry and out of focus. You can treat it with eyeglasses, contact lenses, and surgery.

If you believe you either have or are developing symptoms of an eye disease, early detection and prevention are key. Contact us and set up a consultation with Dr. Moshegov to discuss your questions or concerns about these common types of eye diseases today!

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