Learn how Laser Eye Surgery can fix astigmatism. As foreign as it sounds, astigmatism is a relatively common and treatable vision condition, affecting up to 1.4 […]
Recent technological developments in the field of refractive surgery have enabled more people than ever before to be able to undergo some form of procedure to […]
Taking only around 20 minutes to perform, cataract surgery is short and effective — with some patients seeing clearly within hours of their surgery. Our team […]
As you age, it’s natural for your vision to change. If you’ve been thinking your eyesight is getting worse, don’t despair. In this post we will explain how […]
Nowadays, there are plenty of treatments available to those with poor vision, from prescription glasses to laser eye surgery. However, naturally, you’ll want to keep your […]
Now that computers and smartphones are an essential part of our daily lives, we’re constantly bombarded with information on how to keep our eyes healthy. The […]
As soon as our eyes start itching, our natural response is to rub them frantically. Unfortunately, this remedy is ineffective, and the risks of rubbing your […]
COVID-19 has put the world in a scare due to its unprecedented virulence. People are being encouraged to stay home to reduce infection rates, but this, […]