Hyperopia - Farsightedness Explained

For people with Hyperopia, things that are farther away seem clearer than things that are close up. Hyperopia is unique to the individual, and no two people experience it the same. There are also causes and risk factors to consider, as well as symptoms and treatment options to explore.

Defining Hyperopia

As we mentioned, Hyperopia is an eye condition where you see things at a distance more clearly than things close up. It’s a refractive error in your eye, and an ophthalmologist can diagnose Hyperopia.

The severity level differs from person to person, and some people may not notice any symptoms or blurriness until they’re older. Other people notice their symptoms early on. For people with more severe farsightedness, they can experience blurriness at any distance

Hyperopia Development

You develop this condition in your eyes when your natural focus point for any images is behind the retina instead of on it. The eyeball being short can cause this focus point to shift behind your retina because it stops light from coming in and focusing directly on your retina. If the cornea or lens is an abnormal shape, this can also cause blurriness.

For a lot of people, it starts to be noticeable when they’re younger. However, it does vary from person to person. Some people don’t notice it until they’re in their 40s or 50s. Additionally, people who have a family history of farsightedness are at greater risk for developing it.

Symptoms of Hyperopia

Although the symptoms of this disease are different for each person, there are several common ones that many people experience. These symptoms include:

  • Blurry Vision
  • Eyestrain
  • Headaches
  • Squinting

Diagnosing and Correcting Hyperopia

Your Ophthalmologist can perform a dilated eye exam to determine whether or not you have Hyperopia. They’ll also look for other refractive errors at this time. Most people go to their eye doctor with complaints of blurred vision or eye discomfort.

To correct Hyperopia, your eye doctor may suggest one of three courses:

  • Eyeglasses –This is the easiest way to correct this vision problem. They can update the prescription as your eyes change.
  • Contacts – Contact lenses become your first line of refraction for your eye. This results in a sharper focus, greater comfort, and a wider field of vision. However, they’re not for everyone.
  • Refractive Surgery – Refractive surgery reshapes your cornea. There are several types of refractive surgery options available, and your eye doctor will help you decide on the best course of action.

If you believe that you have Hyperopia and you want to discuss your options, Dr. Moshegov is ready and willing to sit down with you diagnose your farsightedness. We also provide treatment options so you can get back to seeing clearly.

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