Nearsightedness or Myopia is an eye condition where you can see things up close very clearly, but things that are far away look hazy or blurry. Nearsightedness usually starts to appear when children are younger, and it can progress as they age. There are a few options for nearsighted correction surgery, and it’s a good idea to know them all before you choose one.
LASIK is short for Laser in situ Keratomileusis. It’s one of the most common refractive error and nearsightedness correction surgeries available. This eye surgery changes the shape of your cornea, and this allows light to travel directly through the cornea to hit your retina correctly.
To start the LASIK process, your ophthalmologist will make a tiny incision with a laser or a scalpel into your eye’s epithelial layer. This incision leaves a tiny opening into the epithelium. Your eye doctor can now gently lift this opening to allow the laser to shape and smooth your cornea. The entire procedure takes around five minutes per eye.
PRK is short for photorefractive keratectomy, and it is the original laser eye treatment procedure. It’s commonly used to correct farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. The entire procedure is very brief, and it is also minimally invasive compared to other options.
Your ophthalmologist starts the procedure by placing anesthetic eye drops into your eye. The next step is to remove the epithelium either by manually removing it or using an alcohol agent. The laser uses pulses to gently reshape your eye’s curved cornea and correct any problems or irregularities.
For people with more several nearsightedness, an implantable contact lens may be the best surgical option. It’s suitable for people under 40 years of age with no other obvious eye health issues. It’s designed to leave the eye unchanged.
Once anesthetic eye drops numb the eye, the ophthalmologist makes a tiny incision on the front of your eye. They insert a tiny, artificial lens through this incision without removing your eye’s natural lens. this nearsighted correction surgery corrects your vision the same way that prescription contact lenses or eyeglasses do.
These three nearsighted correction surgery options are all designed to be minimally invasive with minimal downtime for healing. Before you settle on one choice, it’s important to have a consultation with an industry professional like Dr. Con Moshegov. Contact us today to help ensure that you get the best results possible with your surgery.