In the Press – Channel 7
1.3 million Australians, aged 65 years and older has been diagnosed with a medical condition affecting their vision and more than one in four (26%), the equivalent of more than 1 million people, has been diagnosed with cataracts. However, fear and a lack of knowledge about symptoms is leading many to delay treatment or even potentially remain undiagnosed.
Dr Con Moshegov speaks with the team at the morning show, providing an insight into why it is critical all Australians have regular visits to their eye care professional to ensure any conditions are picked up and treated early so as not to have a negative impact on their life.
In the Press – Channel 7
Dr Con Moshegov talks to Channel 7 news about a new pain free procedure helping you throw away your glasses for good.
Background Information
His Passion: Cataract and Laser Surgery
Cataract and LASIK procedures would have to be some of the most satisfying procedures a surgeon can perform.
They are the procedures I perform most often and am grateful for the honour of being able to do so every surgical list. Not only can I improve people’s vision but these allow me to reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses. As a result of this, people’s lives are improved.
It gives them freedom to do more things in life and maximizes safety in everyday activities.
Cataract surgery has been shown to reduce the risk of falls in the elderly and improve their mental health.
Lasers are now used in both cataract surgery and in people who have no cataract but want to be free of glasses. Safer and gentler than older blade techniques, laser eye surgery has given people who have poor vision a chance to feel the freedom of naturally perfect vision.